2013년 11월 29일 금요일

About 'bad debts recovered'|The Economy Can Only Recover If ALL countries Repudiate the Debt, failing that a never ending depression is at hand....

About 'bad debts recovered'|The Economy Can Only Recover If ALL countries Repudiate the Debt, failing that a never ending depression is at hand....

Louis               Dumkowski               and               his               best               friend               Cleatus               Washington               went               to               work               for               Vincent               "Vinnie               the               Enforcer"               Williams               as               assistants.

The               first               few               days               on               the               job               were               uneventful               except               for               their               visit               to               Abe               Finkelstein,               an               old               man               who               lived               over               his               jewelry               shop               on               Lofton               Street.

Louis               knocked               on               the               door.

After               what               seemed               like               an               eternity,               a               wizened               old               man               with               just               a               few               strands               of               gray               hair               on               the               back               of               his               head,               and               liver               spots               on               almost               every               inch               of               exposed               skin               opened               the               door.
               "Yes,"               he               said               in               a               quavering               voice.

"What               can               I               do               for               you?

The               store               is               closed               now,               but               if               you're               really               anxious,               I               suppose               I               could               go               downstairs."
               "I'm               not               here               to               buy               jewelry,"               Louis               said.

"Vinnie               sent               us               to               collect               this               week's               payment               on               your               loan."
               "Oy!"               The               old               man               said.

"So,               now               that               gonif               is               sending               a               boychick               to               do               his               dirty               work,               eh?

Well,               you're               gonna               have               to               tell               Mister               Vinnie               that               I               ain't               got               it               this               week."               Just               at               that               moment,               Cleatus               walked               into               view,               a               frown               creasing               his               brown               face.

The               old               man's               face               paled               and               he               stepped               back.

"Uh,               well,               maybe               I               can               come               up               with               a               bissel.

I               can               look               and               see               if               there's               a               little               I               can               pay,               eh?"               He               scurried               back               into               the               room,               looking               over               his               shoulder               as               he               did.
               Cleatus's               frown               deepened.

Louis               looked               puzzled.

"What               the               hell               was               that               all               about?"               he               asked               Cleatus.
               His               friend's               eyes               widened,               then               he               smiled.

"I'll               tell               you               later,               Louis,"               he               said.

"Let's               just               collect               and               get               outta               here."
               Finkelstein               came               back               to               the               door               with               a               handful               of               crinkled               bills.

He               shoved               them               into               Louis's               hand.

"Here,               bubbala,               this               is               all               I               can               spare               this               week,"               he               said.

"I'll               have               the               rest               next               week."               As               he               talked,               he               kept               his               eyes               on               Cleatus.
               Louis               started               counting               the               money,               but               Cleatus               grabbed               his               hand.

"That's               okay,"               he               said.

"I'm               sure               that's               enough.

We'll               be               back               next               week               for               the               rest."               He               frowned               at               Finkelstein.

"You               will               have               it,               right?"
               "Oh               yes,               oh               yes,"               the               old               man               said.

"I'll               have               the               rest               next               week.

You               please               tell               Mr.

Williams               that               Abe               Finkelstein               pays               his               debts,               okay?"
               Cleatus               nodded,               and               pulled               Louis               away               from               the               door.

Finkelstein               slammed               it               and               they               heard               the               click               of               bolts               being               pushed               into               place.
               Back               outside               on               the               sidewalk,               Louis               turned               to               Cleatus.

"Now,               you               wanta               tell               me               what               just               happened?"
               "Louis,"               his               friend               said.

"You               just               ain't               cut               out               for               this.

Hell,               you               don't               look               intimidating               or               nothing.

That               old               fart               was               gonna               con               you               into               not               collecting.

But,               down               here,               folks               see               a               black               face               and               it               scares               the               crap               out               of               them.

He               figured               I               was               some               heavy               that               Vinnie               sent               to               lean               on               him."               He               chuckled.

"Heck,               this               is               gonna               be               a               real               easy               way               to               make               a               living."
               It               took               a               while               for               this               information               to               sink               into               Louis's               brain,               but               he               finally               got               it.

The               two               of               them               laughed               all               the               way               back               to               the               pool               hall.
               More               importantly               than               the               fact               that               they               found               the               work               easy               and               the               hours               accommodating,               Vinnie               was               pleased.

So               pleased,               in               fact,               that               every               couple               of               days               he'd               send               them               on               a               store               run               and               give               them               a               hundred               dollar               bill               with               instructions               to               keep               any               change               from               their               purchases.

Yes,               life               was               sweet               for               Louis               and               Cleatus.
               One               day,               about               three               weeks               into               their               jobs,               Vinnie               called               them               into               his               office.
               "Sit               down,               guys,"               he               said.

He               poured               two               fingers               of               Jack               Daniels               into               three               glasses,               and               shoved               two               toward               them.

After               taking               a               sip               from               his               own               glass,               he               leaned               back               in               his               chair.

"You               dudes               been               doing               a               good               job.

I               figure               it's               time               you               moved               up               a               bit.

I               been               giving               you               the               easy               marks               for               collection.

I               got               one               customer,               though,               that's               tough               to               collect               from.

I'm               gonna               send               you               two               over               to               do               it."
               Louis               nodded               as               he               sipped               the               fiery               liquor,               which               immediately               made               him               cough.

Cleatus               left               his               glass               untouched.

"How               tough               is               this               customer?"               he               asked.
               "Oh,               it               ain't               nothin'               like               that,"               Vinnie               said.

"She's               just               a               stubborn               old               broad               what               don't               like               to               be               told               what               to               do               and               when               to               do               it.

She               borrows               from               me               and               then               don't               want               to               pay               on               schedule."
               "So,               we               don't               have               to               do               any               rough               stuff?"
               "Naw,"               Vinnie               said.

"Nothin'               like               that.

She's               just               likely               to               talk               your               heads               off."
               With               that               assurance,               Cleatus               picked               up               his               glass               and               downed               the               whiskey               in               one               swallow.

Vinnie               smiled               and               gave               him               a               conspiratorial               nod.

Louis               tried               to               copy               his               friend,               and               erupted               in               an               explosion               of               coughing.

Cleatus               patted               him               on               the               back,               and               smiled               over               his               head               at               Vinnie,               who               gave               him               a               wink               and               a               smile.
               When               Louis               had               recovered               from               the               effects               of               the               Jack               Daniels,               the               two               of               them               went               out               and               grabbed               a               cross               town               bus               heading               for               the               apartment               building               in               which               lived               one               Della               Mae               Carrington,               who               owed               five               hundred               dollars               in               back               interest               according               to               the               note               Vinnie               had               given               them.
               Carrington's               apartment               was               in               a               rundown               building               in               a               rundown               part               of               town.

The               sidewalks               were               littered               with               scraps               of               paper               and               empty               bottles               and               cans.

A               drunk               sat               huddled               on               the               front               steps               of               the               building.

He               paid               Louis               and               Cleatus               no               attention               as               they               stepped               over               him               to               enter               the               foyer.
               A               bank               of               mailboxes               filled               one               wall               of               the               foyer.

On               the               opposite               wall               was               a               panel               with               call               buttons               for               the               four               floors               of               apartment               units.

Carrington               was               in               4B.

Cleatus               punched               the               button.
               After               a               few               minutes,               a               tinny               voice               came               from               the               speaker.

"Yeah,               what               you               want?"
               "Is               this               Mrs.

Della               Mae               Carrington?"               Cleatus               asked.
               "Who               wants               to               know?"               The               tinny               voice               asked.
               "Ma'am,               we               represent               Vinnie               Williams,"               he               said.

"We're               here               to               collect               this               week."
               "I               ain't               got               no               money               this               week,               go               'way."               There               was               a               definite               click.
               "Shuck,"               Louis               said.

"How               we               gonna               collect               if               she               don't               let               us               in?"
               Cleatus               scratched               his               head;               then               snapped               his               fingers.

"More               than               one               way               to               get               in,"               he               said.

He               pushed               the               button               for               4A.
               "Jess,               who               is               it?"               A               woman's               tinny               voice               with               a               Spanish               accent               asked.
               "Excuse               me,               ma'am,"               Cleatus               said.

"I               have               a               package               for               the               resident               in               4A               that               has               to               be               signed               for."
               "What               kind               of               package               ees               eet?"
               "I               don't               know               ma'am,"               he               said.

"The               company               didn't               tell               me.

But,               it               looks               like               it               might               be               an               envelope               with               a               check               in               it."
               There               was               a               metallic               click.

"Okay,               come               on               up,"               the               voice               said.
               Cleatus               smiled               at               Louis               as               they               rushed               for               the               door               into               the               elevator               lobby.

They               boarded               the               elevator               and               pushed               the               button               for               the               fourth               floor.
               "Ain't               the               lady               in               4A               gonna               be               pissed               when               you               don't               deliver               her               money?"               Louis               asked.
               "Naw,"               Cleatus               said.

"I'll               just               knock               on               her               door               and               say               I               made               a               mistake.

This               is               the               wrong               building,               or               something.

I'll               apologize               for               bothering               her,               and               then               we               can               try               to               get               in               to               see               old               lady               Carrington."
               "Gosh,               Cleatus,               where               in               heck               did               you               learn               this               kind               of               stuff?"
               "Just               picked               it               up               here               and               there,"               he               said.

"You               learn               all               kinds               of               tricks               in               my               neighborhood."
               The               occupant               of               4A,               a               tiny               Porto               Rican               woman               who               wore               her               hair               in               a               tight               bun,               was               disappointed,               but               accepted               Cleatus's               apology               with               a               smile.

When               she'd               closed               her               door,               they               walked               over               to               4B.

Cleatus               rapped               on               the               door.
               "Who               is               it?"               a               muffled               voice               asked.
               "Postman,"               Cleatus               said.

"I               have               a               special               delivery               package               for               Mrs.

Della               Mae               Carrington."
               "Who               be               sending               me               a               package?"
               "The               return               address               is               smudged,               ma'am,"               he               said.

"I               can't               read               it."
               "Well,               just               push               it               under               the               door."
               "It's               too               thick               for               that,"               he               said.

"Besides,               I               need               your               signature."
               There               was               a               clicking               sound,               and               the               rattle               of               security               chains.

The               door               opened               a               crack.

A               gray               eye               in               a               wrinkled               brown               face               peered               through               the               crack.
               Cleatus               smiled               at               the               half               face.

After               a               few               moments,               and               more               rattling               of               the               security               chains,               the               door               was               opened.
               "Where's               my               package?"               The               old               woman               asked.

She               was               just               a               shade               over               four               feet               tall,               and               her               emaciated               frame               was               covered               in               a               multi-colored               shawl.

Her               bony               legs               ended               in               feet               that               were               large               enough               for               a               person               three               times               her               size               and               shod               in               a               pair               of               faded               pink               bathroom               slippers.
               Cleatus               squeezed               past               her               into               the               room,               followed               closely               by               Louis.

The               old               woman               clutched               the               shawl               to               her               shrunken               breasts               and               backed               away               from               them.
               "I'm               sorry,               Mrs.

Carrington,"               Cleatus               said.

"We               ain't               with               the               post               office.

We're               here               to               collect               what               you               owe."
               Her               gray               eyes,               overly               large               in               her               thin               face,               darted               from               Cleatus               to               Louis.

"Shoot,               I               don't               believe               I               let               you               fool               me               like               that,"               she               said.

"First               off               I               thought               you               two               might               be               robbers,               but               turns               out               you               worse.

I               ain't               got               no               money               to               pay               this               week,               so               you               might's               well               just               get               on               outta               here."
               Cleatus               put               on               his               most               intimidating               frown.

"Now               look,"               he               said.

"You               behind               more               than               a               month               on               your               payments.

You               gotta               pay               something."
               She               looked               at               him,               blowing               air               through               her               thin               nose.

"What               you               talkin'               'bout?

You               got               some               nerve!

You               fool               your               way               into               my               house,               and               then               you               tell               me               what               I               gotta               do!

You               listen               to               me,               boy;               don't               nobody               tell               me               what               to               do."
               "I               ain't               tryin'               to               tell               you               what               to               do,"               Cleatus               protested.

"But,               Mrs.

Carrington,               when               you               owe               money               you               gots               to               pay."
               "Do               I               look               like               a               fool?

I               know               that,"               she               said.

"And,               you               quit               calling               me               Mrs.


Do               you               see               a               man               'round               up               in               here?

It's               Miz               Carrington,               and               don't               your               forget               it.

If               I               had               me               a               husband,               you               wouldn't               be               standin'               there               tryin'               to               take               my               money."
               "Yes,               ma'am,               I'm               sorry               Ms.


I'm               not               tryin'               to               take               your               money.

That's               money               you               owe,               and               you               got               to               pay."
               "Boy,               you               got               wax               in               your               ears?

I               done               told               you               I               ain't               got               no               money               to               pay.

Now,               you               just               get               the               two               of               you;               you               and               your               little               white               friend               here;               on               outta               here               'fore               I               calls               the               police."
               "There               ain't               no               need               to               be               like               that,"               Cleatus               said.

"We               just               tryin'               to               do               a               job."
               "What               kind               of               job               that?

You,               a               decent               black               boy               working               wit'               that               white               man               to               victimize               a               poor               old               colored               woman?"
               Now,               Louis               was               not               major               intellect,               and               he               certainly               didn't               have               the               street               smarts               of               his               friend,               but               he               had               a               certain               talent               in               dealing               with               people.

He               recognized               that               Cleatus               had               met               his               match.

They               could               stand               in               Della               Mae               Carrington's               tiny,               but               neat               apartment               for               the               rest               of               the               week               trying               to               reason               with               her,               and               she               wouldn't               budge.

He               pushed               past               Cleatus.
               "M-ma'am,"               he               said,               his               lips               quivering.

"We               certainly               ain't               tryin'               to               push               you               'round,               or               victimize               you               or               nothin'.

But,               you               see,               it's               like               this.

Me               and               Cleatus               is               in               to               Vinnie               too,               and               this               is               how               we               got               to               work               it               off.

If               we               don't               collect               a               little               somethin'               from               you               he               gonna               do               somethin'               bad               to               us."               A               small               tear               formed               in               the               corner               of               his               left               eye.

He               had               the               ability               to               tear               up               on               demand,               but               only               one               eye               at               a               time.
               Della               Mae               Carrington               looked               at               him,               her               thin               face               wrinkling.

"That               the               truth?"               She               looked               at               Cleatus.

"You               boys               owe               that               Vinnie               money,               and               he               making               you               collect               from               other               folks               to               pay               back               what               you               owe?"
               Now,               that               was               truth               up               to               a               point.

Cleatus               saw               instantly               that               Louis's               'about-to-cry-               act,               which               always               worked               on               teachers               when               they               were               in               school               together,               was               breaking               through               her               icy               stubbornness.

"Yes,               ma'am,"               he               said.

"I               hate               to               tell               you               what               he               do               to               us               if               we               don't               come               back               with               a               little               something."
               "Well,               why               didn't               you               just               say               so               in               the               first               place?

Lands               sake,               I               know               how               that               can               be.

You               get               a               little               down               on               your               luck               and               them               vultures               just               swoop               in               and               eat               you."
               "Oh,               yes               ma'am,"               Louis               said.

"They               really               bad               out               there.

Me               and               Cleatus               ain't               been               able               to               find               jobs,               and               we               had               to               borrow               a               little               to               get               by."
               "And,               we               ain't               been               able               to               get               up               'nough               to               pay               him               back,"               Cleatus               said,               now               fully               into               the               scam               Louis               was               working.

"I               sure               'nough               don't               like               doin'               this               kinda               stuff,               but               what               else               we               gonna               do?"
               Carrington               put               a               bony               finger               against               her               bony               cheek,               look               back               and               forth               between               the               two               of               them.

"I               guess               I               know               how               it               can               get               bad,"               she               said.

"Okay,               I               gonna               pay               fifty               dollars               on               what               I               owe.

That               oughta               keep               that               mean               old               Vinnie               from               doin'               anything               bad               to               you               boys.

I'll               try               to               get               the               rest               next               week."
               "Oh,               Ms.

Carrington,"               Cleatus               said.

"That               would               be               really               nice.

We               surely               do               appreciate               you               understandin'               and               all."
               "Yes,               ma'am,"               Louis               added.

"We               purely               do               appreciate               it."
               She               picked               up               an               oversized               cloth               bag               from               the               nearby               sofa,               took               out               a               leather               pouch,               and               counted               out               five               ten               dollar               bills,               which               she               handed               to               Louis.

"Now,               you               boys               go               'head               and               give               this               to               Vinnie,               and               try               to               get               your               bill               to               him               paid."               She               turned               on               Cleatus.

"And,               get               back               out               there               and               find               yourself               some               decent               jobs."
               "Thank               you,               ma'am,"               said               Cleatus.
               "Thank               you,               ma'am,"               Louis               said.

"We               gonna               do               that,               yes,               ma'am               we               will."
               They               beat               a               hasty               retreat,               Louis               clutching               the               neatly               folded               bills               tightly.

Carrington               stood               in               the               door               watching               them               as               they               waited               for               the               elevator.

When               the               elevator               doors               closed               behind               them,               they               collapsed               in               gales               of               laughter.
               "Shit,               man,"               Cleatus               said.

"I               guess               you               ain't               useless               after               all.

That               was               some               scam               you               pulled               on               that               old               bat."
               "She               reminded               me               of               Miss               Pennyback,"               Louis               said.

"Remember               our               old               gym               teacher               in               middle               school.

That's               the               way               we               used               to               get               out               of               gym               class."
               "Yeah,               I               remember.

Still               works,               too.

This               is               gonna               be               a               sweet               deal,"               Cleatus               said.

"Me               doing               the               angry               young               black               man               routine               on               the               men,               and               you               doin'               that               crying               act               of               yours               for               the               women.

Hell,               man,               we               got               ourselves               a               gold               mine               here."
               "Yeah,"               Louis               said.

"Life               is               sweet."

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bad debts recovered

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bad debts recovered
bad debts recovered

bad debts recovered Image 2

bad debts recovered
bad debts recovered

bad debts recovered Image 3

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bad debts recovered

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bad debts recovered

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