레이블이 Bad Debt Ratio Definition인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Bad Debt Ratio Definition인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 24일 일요일

About 'define bad debt'|...local levels to establish what we want to define as liberal and/or progressive. Second, we need to...without God. Many Christians are bad with god. So it's up to us to find out how...

About 'define bad debt'|...local levels to establish what we want to define as liberal and/or progressive. Second, we need to...without God. Many Christians are bad with god. So it's up to us to find out how...

Two               online               dictionaries               define               "gift"               as               "something               given               voluntarily               without               payment               in               return,               as               to               show               favor               toward               someone,               honor               an               occasion,"               and               "something               given               to               show               friendship,               affection,               support,               etc."               And               it's               the               terms               "show               favor,"               "honor",               and               "show               friendship,               affection"               that               I               believe               many               people               completely               miss               during               the               rush-rush               of               holiday               gift-giving.

Let               me               explain               what               a               gift               is               not               about:
               •               It               is               NOT               about               how               cheaply               you               can               bargain               for               something               at               a               yard               sale;
               •               It               is               NOT               about               how               much               (or               little)               money               you               can               spend               on               something               ridiculous;
               •               It               is               NOT               about               going               through               your               closets               and               selecting               something               you               no               longer               have               use               for;
               •               It               is               NOT               about               going               into               debt               and               making               yourself               financially               uncomfortable               in               order               to               do               what               you               feel               is               expected;               and
               •               It               is               NOT               about               giving               some               cast-off               trinket               in               the               hopes               of               getting               an               expensive               gift               card               in               return.
               If               you               have               done               any               of               the               above,               you               need               to               STOP               immediately               and               take               a               good               look               at               what               a               gift               really               is.

By               its               very               definition,               a               gift               is               meant               to               show               favor               and/or               honor,               or               to               show               friendship               and               affection.

In               thinking               this               notion               through,               then,               a               gift               is               actually               a               message               which               you               wish               to               impart               to               the               recipient               of               a               gift.

In               other               words,               if               the               message               you               wish               to               relay               is               "you               are               special               to               me,               I               appreciate               your               presence               in               my               life,"               you               must               ask               yourself,               "Am               I               conveying               this               message               with               this               gift?"               Let               me               give               some               real-life               examples               of               BAD               gifting.
               Bad               Gifting
               Once               upon               a               time,               I               had               a               mother-in-law               who               worked               for               a               major               department               store.

In               fact,               it               was               a               store               that               did               not               carry               plus-sizes               (which               I               have               worn               since               elementary               school).

When               the               store               would               have               end-of-season               mark-downs,               Dot               would               gather               loads               of               potential               gifts,               and               with               her               30%               discount,               she               might               purchase               a               sweater               for               $2,               or               a               skirt               for               $1.50.

What               a               bargain!

Except               that               (a)               they               were               NEVER               in               my               size,               and               (b)               they               could               not               be               returned               since               they'd               been               bought               on               clearance               and               with               her               employee               discount.

So               Christmas               time               would               find               beautiful,               exquisitely               wrapped               packages               under               the               tree,               looking               as               if               the               name               on               the               gift               tag               really               were               someone               special               to               Dot.

Once               opened,               however,               a               Size               6               skirt               for               a               Size               26               backside               became               just               a               bit               of               trash.

What               was               the               message               I               got               from               Dot?

"You               are               fat,               and               trash               to               me."
               Dot               could               have               purchased               a               $2               marked-down               pretty               platter               or               a               set               of               napkins               or               placemats               or               even               a               pretty               hair               clip               or               earrings.

But               she               didn't               work               in               the               platter               or               hair               clip               departments,               she               worked               in               the               Junior               department.

So               she               bought               her               unappreciative               queen-sized               daughter-in-law               junior-sized               clothing.

In               essence,               she               bought               me               trash.

Dot               was               a               bad               gifter               because               she               bought               gifts               that               didn't               fit               and               couldn't               be               used               or               returned.
               Then               there's               Cindy,               a               friend               who               once               stated               with               pride               that               she               was               on               her               fourth               "Charity               card"               only               half-way               through               the               year.

That               meant               she               had               spent               several               hundred               dollars               at               a               non-profit               donations-only               thrift               store.

For               each               $200               she               spent,               she               would               get               $20               in               free               (used)               merchandise.

Now,               shopping               the               consignment               or               thrift               type               stores               is               a               personal               choice,               and               those               kinds               of               places               CAN               be               the               source               for               finding               great               bargains...

books               by               your               favorite               author               for               a               quarter,               or               neat               lamps               or               home               décor               for               just               a               little               bit               of               cash.

I               can               appreciate               finding               those               kinds               of               items               and               purchasing               them               for               myself.

But               again,               buying               clothes               for               a               plus-sized               woman?

Not               so               much.

In               the               first               place,               I               am               a               bit               funny               about               wearing               some               of               those               clothes               because               they               often               have               a               strange               odor               that               I               find               off-putting               (not               to               mention               my               bug               phobia).

But               more               than               that,               as               a               large               and               lovely               woman,               I               have               learned               that               I               must               TRY               ON               any               and               every               article               of               clothing.

Some               Size               22's               fit,               some               don't.

Some               things               hang               well,               others               don't.

Some               things               would               work               on               my               "inverted               square"               body               type               that               absolutely               would               not               work               on               a               pear-shape               body               type               and               vice               versa.

And               while               Cindy               prided               herself               on               her               thrift               store               shopping,               she               was               quite               free               to               ASK               for               a               $50               gift               card               (yes,               she               was               that               specific)               from               a               local               home               improvement               store.

Now               think               about               this               for               a               moment:               the               same               year               she               requested               FROM               me               a               $50               gift               card               (cost:               $50)               from               Home               Depot               (she               so               needed               it               to               pick               up               little               things               for               her               new               home),               she               gave               TO               me               a               set               of               four               yard-sale               mugs               and               a               thrift               store               Weight               Watchers               cookbook               (cost:               $3).

The               message               to               me:               "I               want               what               I               want               from               you               and               I               want               to               give               you               things               others               have               thrown               away               (trash)."
               Cindy               had               other               gifting               tricks,               as               well.

You               see,               she               was               a               housekeeper               for               a               local               artist.

Whenever               she'd               spy               an               easel               or               a               broken               bird               cage               in               the               garbage,               she's               rescue               them               for               presents!

The               artist               had               been               disgusted               with               her               painting               and               thrown               it               away,               but               Cindy               would               wrap               it               up               and               put               a               bow               on               it               for               you.

The               homeowner               had               discarded               a               broken               bird               cage,               but               Cindy               would               gather               a               stem               of               silk               greenery               and               a               votive               and               give               them               to               you               as               a               patio               decoration.

Cindy               was               the               worst               kind               of               bad               gifter--she               had               no               conscience               about               asking               for               GREAT               gifts               from               you               and               in               turn               gave               you               trash               you               couldn't               use.
               Good               Gifting
               One               of               the               very               best               gift-givers               I               have               ever               known               is               my               daughter,               Dana!

What               makes               her               gifts               so               special?

Because               she               puts               real               thought               into               the               likes               and               personality               of               the               receiver.

For               example,               she               knows               that               I               love               the               water--the               ocean               and               beaches,               lakes               and               streams.

Not               only               have               I               taken               beachy               vacations               for               years,               but               most               of               the               pictures               in               my               home               have               water,               they               may               depict               ocean               waves               or               the               lakeshore,               but               they               all               have               water.

So               I               receive               a               new               mousepad               with               a               beach               scene               or               a               coffee               mug               with               an               ocean               scene-a               close-at-hand,               daily               reminder               of               something               I               love.

Those               are               wonderful               gifts               that               say               to               me,               "What's               important               to               you               is               important               to               me."               Those               are               the               kinds               of               gifts               that               make               me               feel               special               because               she               took               the               time               and               energy               to               figure               out               and               then               FIND               something               that               she               knew               would               make               me               smile.

And               those               items               make               me               smile               day               after               day,               year               after               year,               because               each               time               I               use               them,               I               am               reminded               again               of               her               love               and               affection.

That               daily               reminder               embodies               the               very               essence               of               a               "gift."
               How               to               Become               a               Good               Gifter
               So,               okay,               you               realize               you're               a               terrible               gift-giver-and               you               want               to               change               that.

(Hooray!)               There               are               several               ways               to               begin.

First,               make               a               list               of               those               on               whom               you               wish               to               bestow               gifts.

Beside               the               name               of               each               person,               make               a               note               of               their               traits,               their               likes,               anything               about               them               that               you               know               is               uniquely               them-you               know,               what               differentiates               them               from               the               crowd.

Once               you               have               determined               what               you               can               afford,               then               spend               some               time               ruminating               about               the               kinds               of               gifts               within               your               budget               that               would               be               likely               to               please               THEM.
               Another               way               to               become               a               good               gifter               is               to               ask               people               to               make               a               list               of               several               items               they               would               enjoy               receiving               as               a               gift.

This               is               a               great               way               that               my               daughter               and               I               have               learned               to               be               sure               we               get               each               other               things               we               enjoy,               and               yet               maintain               the               surprise               of               the               exact               gifts.

Let               me               explain.

My               list               might               contain               things               like               pretty               writing               paper/stationery,               nail               polish               in               pinks               and               reds,               books               by               certain               authors,               specialty               chocolates               and               coffees,               clean               burning               candles,               etc.

It               might               also               include               a               single               "big"               item               like               a               tool               box               or               foot               spa.

Her               list               might               include               art               supplies               (easel,               canvas,               paints,               brushes),               tennis               shoes,               clothes,               gas               or               phone               gift               cards.

The               lists               are               broad               enough               that,               obviously,               we're               not               going               to               purchase               everything               on               each               other's               list.

But               selecting               items               from               the               list               ensures               that               the               receiver               is               given               items               that               they               will               enjoy               using.
               Broke               and               Can't               Afford               a               Gift
               There               are               few               people               who               don't               understand               being               "so               broke               you               can't               pay               attention."               Whatever               the               reason               your               budget               simply               cannot               provide               for               gift               giving,               if               you're               broke,               you're               broke.

It's               not               a               matter               of               shame,               it's               just               a               matter               of               fact,               and               it               doesn't               make               you               a               bad               person.

What               it               means               is               that               you               should               be               a               responsible               and               realistic               person.

I               have               found               the               best               way               to               deal               with               this               issue               is               to               be               upfront               and               positive,               and               simply               say               far               in               advance               of               the               gift-giving               season,               "My               budget               is               stressed               and               depressed,               so               instead               of               giving               gifts,               let's               share               some               time               together               this               year."               I've               never               had               anyone               express               disappointment;               I               have               had               people               agree               that               they,               too,               were               struggling               with               budget               issues               and               eliminating               the               gift               expectation               was               a               relief.

Most               often               I've               been               told,               "I               just               want               to               see               you,               a               gift               is               not               important."               For               the               budget               challenged,               here's               one               big               comfort:               the               gift               of               friendship,               love               and               openness               is               much               welcome;               a               poorly               picked               tacky               gift               is               an               insult               that               causes               pain.

So               don't               make               that               mistake.
               Here's               the               bottom-line               rule               of               thumb               for               gift-giving:               WHAT               IS               THE               MESSAGE               YOU               ARE               IMPARTING               TO               THE               RECIPIENT?

If               the               message               is               not               one               of               honor,               affection,               friendship               and               support,               do               NOT               give               the               gift.

Instead,               write               a               note               telling               the               recipient               how               much               they               mean               to               you.

I               guarantee               that               simple               gesture               will               be               much               better               received               than               the               gift               of               someone               else's               trash.

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define bad debt

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define bad debt
define bad debt

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define bad debt
define bad debt

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  • Related blog with define bad debt

    1. unchainedslave.blogspot.com/   12/31/2005
      ... care of what you are given! Giving it away to debt is bad stewardship and leads to ‘outer darkness’. The ‘outer darkness’ of depression, anxiety...
    2. picturewealth.blogspot.com/   07/02/2008
      ...this. I believe all debt is bad debt . You never know what is ...and no one can question your definition ! :) Defining Debt Free http://picturewealth.blogspot.com...
    3. contextrules.typepad.com/   07/15/2008
      ...the percentage in 2006, the latest data available, was 5.5%. Bad debt is generally defined as payments that are written off as uncollectable...
    4. debttribunal.wordpress.com/   11/24/2009
      ...But nobody could argue that all debts were bad. The problem is not therefore...have complex systems for defining and measuring ...
    5. homerocket.blogspot.com/   03/06/2012
      ...unclear and vary. Here's how I define these two ...of obligations: Bad debt: Debt used to purchase... this good debt or bad debt?" If it's for your business...
    6. ibloga.blogspot.com/   03/15/2012
      ...County Arvada Douglas County Elbert County El Paso County Jefferson County Platteville Discharge Debt Broomfield eMilitary Manuals Montrose Get Out Of Our House (GOOOH) Statewide Javelin Press...
    7. gonzotruth.blogspot.com/   09/09/2012
      ...local levels to establish what we want to define as liberal and/or progressive. Second, we need to...without God. Many Christians are bad with god. So it's up to us to find out how...
    8. newrightausnz.blogspot.com/   09/02/2007
      ...Germany, for example - unemployment is much worse: the official unemployment rates, which underestimate... with a very high level of personal debt. As well as that, inflation, as manifested...
    9. whitelocust.wordpress.com/   06/10/2011
      ... to consider. The above chart merely graphs the legally defined debts involved. If we bother to add back in the liability components...
    10. realgemstonefile.blogspot.com/   01/31/2006
      ...how many means were available. “Necrophilia,” said he, “is defined in the dictionary as ‘fucking the dead’. In our group we have a motto -- ‘If you can...
    11. Define Bad Debt - Blog Homepage Results

      ...nothing more than a simple existence without worry of debt and losing all they have needlessly...wish you well. The truth is I expect the worst from everything and everyone. The truth is...

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                   COMMENTARY               |               By               definition,               default               is               a               failure               to               meet               an               obligation.

    In               one               week,               if               Obama               and               Congress               cannot               reach               a               debt               ceiling               agreement,               the               United               States               of               America               faces               sovereign               default               for               the               first               time               in               our               history.

    In               the               event               of               a               nuclear               economic               meltdown,               as               president,               Obama               knows               he               will               be               standing               at               ground               zero.
                   Economists               say               interest               rates               will               skyrocket               and               the               stock               market               will               plummet,               sending               ripples               through               the               global               economy.

    Moody's               is               threatening               to               lower               the               U.S.

    credit               rating               and,               because               the               interest               rates               consumers               pay               are               tied               to               what               the               federal               government               pays,               interest               rates               for               consumers               will               also               rise.

    And               the               wheels               on               the               bus               go               round               and               round               ...
                   Flashback:               While               facing               default               on               their               $24               billion               deficit               in               2009,               California               Democrats               refused               to               allow               budget               cuts               to               solve               the               state               debt               crisis.

    The               Republicans               wouldn't               allow               tax               increases.

    Sound               familiar?
                   When               Obama               revealed               his               FY2012               plan               in               February,               it               became               clear               he               planned               to               tax               his               way               out               of               debt.

    Offering               only               $1               trillion               in               spending               cuts,               he               proposed               43               tax               hikes               to               gouge               an               additional               $1.5               trillion               from               Americans               over               the               next               decade.
                   Perhaps               someone               should               inform               the               fiscally               naive               president               that               California's               record               tax               increase               of               $13               billion               didn't               solve               that               state's               economic               problem.
                   Obama               gave               another               speech               from               the               White               House               Monday               saying               that               Republicans               want               "an               approach               that               doesn't               ask               the               wealthiest               Americans               or               biggest               corporations               to               contribute               anything               at               all."               He               forgets               that               the               top               10               percent               already               pay               70               percent               of               the               nation's               revenue,               according               to               The               Heritage               Foundation,               and               American               businesses               already               pay               the               highest               corporate               taxes               on               the               planet,               per               the               Daily               Caller.
                   "We               were               elected               for               the               same               reasons,"               Obama               said               Monday.

    Well,               technically               that's               true.

    In               2008               Obama               promised               to               cut               government               waste               and               balance               the               budget               by               the               end               of               his               first               term.

    In               2010,               Republicans               were               given               control               of               the               House               on               their               vow               to               start               the               process               for               him.
                   Obama               said               most               Americans               "don't               understand               how               we               can               ask               a               senior               citizen               to               pay               more               for               her               Medicare"               before               we               ask               corporate               jet               owners               to               "give               up               tax               breaks."
                   Newsbusters               reports               those               corporate               jet               tax               loopholes               came               from               Obama's               stimulus               plan.

                   "For               the               first               time               in               history,               our               country's               AAA               credit               rating               would               be               downgraded,"               Obama               said.
                   In               April,               Rep.

    Paul               Ryan               produced               a               plan               to               reduce               spending               by               $6.2               trillion               over               the               next               10               years               with               no               tax               increases.

    Obama               and               the               Democratic               Senate               said               no.
                   House               Speaker               John               Boehner               proposed               a               "two-stage"               plan               to               increase               the               $14.3               trillion               debt               ceiling               while               reducing               the               federal               debt               going               forward.

    Obama               said               no.
                   The               Gang               of               Six               plan               had               everything               Obama               wanted.

    But               just               after               there               appeared               to               be               an               agreement,               Boehner               revealed               on               Fox               News               Sunday               that               the               president               changed               his               mind               and               said               they               "need               more               revenue."               This               time               Boehner               and               Cantor               "said               no."
                   Jennifer               Rubin               of               the               Washington               Post               reported               Monday               that               Senate               Majority               Leader               Harry               Reid               (D-Nev.)               and               Sen.

    Mitch               McConnell               (R-Ky.)               had               cobbled               the               framework               of               another               "two-part               plan."               It               involved               a               short-term               increase               -               with               cuts               greater               than               the               increase               -               combined               with               a               committee               to               find               long-term               savings               before               raising               the               debt               ceiling               further.

    Reid               even               took               the               bipartisan               plan               to               the               White               House               himself.

    "The               President               said               no."
                   Gallup               pegs               Obama's               approval               rating               at               43               percent.

    A               recent               CNN               poll               shows               his               approval               down               among               liberals.

    A               new               Washington               Post-ABC               News               poll               reveals               a               third               of               Americans               believe               Obama's               policies               are               hurting               the               economy               and               that               confidence               in               his               ability               to               create               jobs               is               eroding               rapidly               among               his               base.

    Bernie               Sanders,               an               Independent               who               snuggles               with               Democrats,               said               "President               Obama               could               benefit               from               a               primary               challenger               over               the               next               year,"               according               to               The               Hill.
                   Obama's               running               out               of               time               and               caught               between               a               rock               and               a               hard               place.
                   In               Monday's               speech,               Obama               said               "balanced               approach"               seven               times.

    However,               while               saying               "compromise"               six               times               -               once               to               claim               that               Washington               had               become               a               place               where               "compromise"               was               a               "dirty               word"               -               as               Major               Garret               of               National               Journal               acutely               observed,               "there               was               a               far               dirtier               word               he               didn't               utter               --               Veto."
                   The               debt               ceiling               will               be               raised.

    Just               as               Weebles               wobble               but               they               won't               fall               down,               we               are               America.

    We               stumble               but               do               not               default               on               our               obligations.
                   Like               Boehner               said,               "The               president's               worried               about               his               next               election."
                   Obama               is               stalling,               bluffing.

    He's               holding               a               bad               hand               and               wants               to               blame               Republicans               for               his               cowardice               in               perpetuating               a               global               economic               poker               game               while               hedging               his               own               bet               with               another               $2.4               trillion               of               taxpayer               chips.
                   In               one               week               the               United               States               of               America               faces               sovereign               default               for               the               first               time               in               our               history.

    Obama's               doubling               down.
                   At               this               point,               Republicans               should               call               his               "bluff."               Obama               knows               he's               stuck               with               a               pair               of               unprecedented               cards               that               will               ultimately               define               the               legacy               of               his               disastrous               one-term               presidency.

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  • Related blog with define bad debt

    1. unchainedslave.blogspot.com/   12/31/2005
      ... care of what you are given! Giving it away to debt is bad stewardship and leads to ‘outer darkness’. The ‘outer darkness’ of depression, anxiety...
    2. picturewealth.blogspot.com/   07/02/2008
      ...this. I believe all debt is bad debt . You never know what is ...and no one can question your definition ! :) Defining Debt Free http://picturewealth.blogspot.com...
    3. contextrules.typepad.com/   07/15/2008
      ...the percentage in 2006, the latest data available, was 5.5%. Bad debt is generally defined as payments that are written off as uncollectable...
    4. debttribunal.wordpress.com/   11/24/2009
      ...But nobody could argue that all debts were bad. The problem is not therefore...have complex systems for defining and measuring ...
    5. homerocket.blogspot.com/   03/06/2012
      ...unclear and vary. Here's how I define these two ...of obligations: Bad debt: Debt used to purchase... this good debt or bad debt?" If it's for your business...
    6. ibloga.blogspot.com/   03/15/2012
      ...County Arvada Douglas County Elbert County El Paso County Jefferson County Platteville Discharge Debt Broomfield eMilitary Manuals Montrose Get Out Of Our House (GOOOH) Statewide Javelin Press...
    7. gonzotruth.blogspot.com/   09/09/2012
      ...local levels to establish what we want to define as liberal and/or progressive. Second, we need to...without God. Many Christians are bad with god. So it's up to us to find out how...
    8. newrightausnz.blogspot.com/   09/02/2007
      ...Germany, for example - unemployment is much worse: the official unemployment rates, which underestimate... with a very high level of personal debt. As well as that, inflation, as manifested...
    9. whitelocust.wordpress.com/   06/10/2011
      ... to consider. The above chart merely graphs the legally defined debts involved. If we bother to add back in the liability components...
    10. realgemstonefile.blogspot.com/   01/31/2006
      ...how many means were available. “Necrophilia,” said he, “is defined in the dictionary as ‘fucking the dead’. In our group we have a motto -- ‘If you can...
    11. Define Bad Debt - Blog Homepage Results

      ...nothing more than a simple existence without worry of debt and losing all they have needlessly...wish you well. The truth is I expect the worst from everything and everyone. The truth is...

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    define bad debt

    About 'define bad debt'|...local levels to establish what we want to define as liberal and/or progressive. Second, we need to...without God. Many Christians are bad with god. So it's up to us to find out how...

    About 'define bad debt'|...local levels to establish what we want to define as liberal and/or progressive. Second, we need to...without God. Many Christians are bad with god. So it's up to us to find out how...

    The               year               was               1976               and               a               bareback               bronc               named               Stormy               Weather               did               his               best               to               shake               a               Wyoming               cowboy.

    When               the               dust               settled               in               the               arena               Chris               LeDoux               won               the               buckle               for               World               Champion.

    He's               the               real               deal.

    While               travelling               to               rodeos               he               helped               pay               his               way               with               his               other               talent               -               writing               and               performing               songs.

    He               sold               tapes               at               the               rodeos               to               follow               competitors               and               word               of               mouth               brought               a               demand.

    Then               one               day               he's               driving               down               the               road               and               on               the               radio               there's               a               "pretty               good               cowboy               song"               come               on...the               new               artist               was               singing               of               the               trials               of               being               a               rodeo               rider.

    "...The               competition's               getting               younger;               tougher               bronce               I've               never               known...a               worn               out               tape               of               Chris               LeDoux,               lonely               women               and               bad               booze               seem               to               be               the               only               friends..."               The               artist,               of               course,               was               Garth               Brooks...and               Chris'               life               changed.

    Chris               LeDoux               passed               away               in               March               2005               from               complications               from               liver               cancer.

    He               danced               with               mortality               each               ride               on               the               rodeo               circuit,               and               in               a               serious               manner               when               he               battled               a               liver               illness               that               threatened               his               life               and               required               a               transplant.

    He               recovered,               and               recorded               "After               The               Storm".

    He               returned               to               touring               and               working               on               his               ranch.

    "Horsepower"               was               recorded               -               and               it               would               become               the               last               CD               he               would               record.
                   Some               reports               stated               Chris               had               sold               thousands               of               tapes               before               ever               landing               a               recording               deal               with               a               major               label.

    With               dozens               of               releases               picking               ten               songs               is               a               tough               task.

    His               most               meaningful?

    The               biggest               sellers?

    The               greatest               hits?

    The               criteria               is               probably               up               to               the               individual               but               there's               a               list               that               seems               to               define               Chris               and               the               cowboy               life               he               loved.
                   "The               Light               Of               The               World"               from               the               "Haywire"               CD               is               a               tribute               to               every               day               small               acts               of               kindness               -               the               waitress               who               looks               the               other               way               to               help               a               hungry               person,               the               trucker               who               gives               a               boy               a               ride               in               the               storm..."There's               a               small               light               in               the               dark               night               -               human               kindness               deep               inside               us.

    If               you               see               it               in               somebody's               eyes               there's               no               reason               to               be               so               surprised..."
                   "Look               At               You               Girl"               shows               the               tender               side               of               a               man               totally               and               completely               in               love               with               his               wife.

    It's               on               several               of               his               releases               including               the               "Whatcha               Gonna               Do               With               a               Cowboy"               CD               and               is               very               simple               in               content...but               powerful               when               sung               to               or               dedicated               to               someone.

    "You               mean               everything               to               me...and               I'd               do               anything               to               have               you               stay               forever..I'm               an               ordinary               man               but               I               feel               like               I               can               do               anything               in               the               world               when               I               look               at               you               girl.

    This               could               very               easily               be               (and               has               been)               a               song               played               at               weddings.
                   "Seventeen"               is               one               of               many               Chris               did               about               the               every               day               working               cowboy.

    It's               a               coming               of               age               song               -               a               young               man               finding               independence               heading               out               on               the               road               to               ride               bulls.

    "...The               sweet               voice               of               freedom               echos               down               the               ages..."               is               the               thing               that               binds               those               who               live               for               the               rodeo.

    "When               he               was               five               years               old               his               mom               took               him               down               to               the               round               corral               to               work               with               a               horse               named               Smokey               and               man               did               that               horse               buck..."               gives               the               impression               of               a               child               that               grows               into               a               young               man               confined               by               the               routine               work               on               a               ranch.

    The               simple               guitar               work               backs               up               a               simple               song               but               each               line               adds               to               the               story.

    One               doesn't               need               to               be               a               rodeo               rider               to               relate               to               Chris'               songs.

    Sometimes               life               is               a               bigger               ride               than               broncs               and               bulls.
                   "Thank               The               Cowboy               For               The               Ride"               depicts               a               lifelong               love               of               cowboys,               starting               with               a               child               and               on               through               life               to               adulthood.

    "He               was               pushin'               seven               she               was               barely               five               he               rode               up               on               his               broomstick               horse               and               said               'you               want               a               ride?'"               Like               many               of               Chris'               songs               this               could               be               at               face               value               or               symbolic.

    "He's               almost               67               and               she'll               admit               to               49               he               still               loves               her               like               a               child               and               she               still               feels               the               same..."               "she               never               fails               to               say               before               they               go               to               sleep               each               night               'I               love               ya               cowboy               thank               you               for               the               ride.'"
                   "Call               Of               The               Wild"               -               if               there               was               a               song               used               to               depict               painting               word               pictures               this               song               of               a               quest               for               freedom               is               surely               it.

    It               starts               with               the               lone               howl               and               a               crack               of               thunder.

    "Storm               clouds               are               building               above               the               timberline               the               lightning's               flashing               across               the               mountainside"               and               "the               bugle               of               the               bull               elk               echos               through               the               pines               the               north               wind               moans               her               lonesome               lullaby               he               hungers               for               the               freedom               of               the               eagle               as               he               glides..."               puts               the               listener               mentally               somewhere               in               the               Rockies               far               from               the               city.

    The               subject               is               looking               to               leave               the               city               -               "livin'               in               the               city               oh               it               gets               to               be               a               grind,               puttin'               in               his               hours,               workin'               overtime".

    Very               well               done.
                   "You               Just               Can't               See               Him               From               The               Road"               -               The               cowboy               tradition               is               still               alive               and               well.

    For               those               in               the               city               they               think               it's               an               outdated               concept.

    Cowboys               aren't               on               the               big               screen,               as               noted               in               the               first               line,               and               appearances               aren't               accurate.

    "But               he's               still               out               there               ridin'               fences,               still               makes               his               livin'               with               his               rope;               as               long               as               there's               a               sunset               he'll               keep               ridin'               for               the               brand               you               just               can't               see               him               from               the               road."               "He's               had               one               or               two               good               horses               that               he               counts               among               his               friends               he               never               drew               a               breath               that               wasn't               free."               The               cowboy               code               remains               and               time               passes               but               there               are               still               honest,               genuine               people               out               there               if               we               get               off               the               information               highway               and               the               interstates               and               look.
                   "Some               Things               Never               Change"               -               life               goes               on               ranch.

    This               duet               with               Garth               from               the               "After               The               Storm"               cd               was               done               after               Chris'               liver               transplant.

    "Long               gone               are               the               cattle               drives               since               they               brought               in               the               trains               but               the               hard               work               and               the               friendship               still               remain."               "Out               here               where               nature               rules               each               day's               a               different               battle               and               it               still               takes               a               man               workin'               in               the               saddle..."               is               a               reminder               even               with               all               the               technology               we               have               there               are               some               things               machines               and               computers               can't               do...people               are               still               needed               and               irreplacable.
                   "Western               Skies"               is               CHRIS.

    The               encouragement               to               move               to               Nashville               and               a               long               list               of               reasons               set               to               music               of               the               things               that               bound               him,               and               others,               to               the               mountains               and               the               praries               of               the               west.

    He               always               remained               in               Wyoming               and               true               to               his               own               identity.

    "If               they               ever               saw               a               sunrise               on               a               mountain               morning               or               watch               those               cotton               candy               clouds               they'd               know               why               I               live               beneath               these               western               skies".

    The               last               lines               came               up               a               great               deal               after               his               death...although               he'd               done               this               song               for               years.

    "I               love               Tennessee               but               you               know               it               just               ain't               my               style               I               gotta               be               where               I               can               see               those               Rocky               Mountains,               ride               my               horse               and               watch               an               eagle               fly...I               gotta               live               my               life,               write               my               songs               beneath               these               western               skies...and               when               I               die               you               can               bury               me               beneath               these               western               skies."
                   "I               Believe               In               America"               -               "This               country's               seen               some               hard               times               Lord               knows               she's               deep               in               debt               she's               comin'               through               another               depression               and               for               some               it               ain't               over               yet...we've               all               been               divided               by               our               own               selfish               games.

    Why's               it               always               take               the               hard               times               to               bring               people               back               together               again?"               This               song               has               been               totally               overlooked               in               the               wave               of               patriotic               songs               following               9/11               even               though               it               was               done               long               before               then.

    It's               admitting               we're               not               perfect               -               but               we're               free               and               we               have               what               so               many               don't.

    "I               don't               believe               you               can               keep               America               down               for               long."               Very               much               deserving               of               a               LOT               more               play               than               it's               had.
                   "One               Less               Tornado"               -               this               was               a               song               played               (along               with               "Scatter               The               Ashes")               at               an               online               memorial               for               Chris               after               his               passing.

    It               tells               of               a               rider               being               killed               by               a               bull               -               it's               a               tribute               to               a               man               held               in               high               esteem               and               for               many               that               is               Chris.

    Everyone               who'd               met               him               knew               they               were               in               the               company               of               someone               who               was               real               -               there               was               no               pretense.

    He'll               be               missed.
                   Not               to               miss               songs               -               
                   Bareback               Jack               -               one               of               Chris'               most               requested               songs               and               one               of               the               oldest               written               when               he               was               riding               broncs.

    With               all               the               songs               he'd               done               it               seemed               every               show               there               was               someone               in               the               audience               yelling               "Bareback               Jack!!"               and               if               there               was               a               signature               song               -               from               a               fan               standpoint               -               perhaps               this               would               be               it.

    It               endured               for               -               literally               -               from               the               1960s               through               four               decades               of               a               career               -               being               popular               in               the               '60s,               70s,               80s,               90s               and               up               until               his               untimely               death.
                   Riding               For               a               Fall               -               awesome               analogy               of               life               and               horses.

    "Cowboy               even               though               you're               riding               tall               you're               ridin'               for               a               fall".

    Leaving               a               relationship               to               maintain               freedom               and               feeling               the               age               creep               in               is               foolhardy               and               in               this               song               Chris               sings               of               making               choices               that               don't               make               sense.

    "Why               don't               you               turn               back               just               saddle               up               and               backtrack"               and               "on               a               cold               lonesome               evening               what               the               hell               good's               your               freedom?"
                   This               Cowboy's               Hat               -               a               hat               isn't               just               a               hat.

    This               song               speaks               of               the               differences               between               people               and               finding               a               similarity               to               build               on.

    Chris               once               told               me               "sometimes               it               takes               two               extremes               to               find               a               middleground".

    In               this               song               a               bully               threatens               to               take               a               cowboy's               hat               -               and               a               line               was               drawn.

    The               meaning               in               little               things               about               the               hat               is               described               and               the               listener               can't               help               but               think               of               the               little               things               in               our               own               lives               that               matter.
                   Chris               had               his               own               unique               way.

    He               refused               to               cut               the               cheatin'               immoral               songs.

    He               stayed               true               to               himself               and               had               legions               of               fans.

    He's               been               credited               with               inspiring               Garth's               stage               show.

    Chris'               shows               were               a               spectacle               -               he               was               there               to               kick               it               up               and               ENTERTAIN.

    He'd               have               a               bucking               machine               onstage               and               get               on               it               for               a               rodeo               song...he'd               slow               it               down               for               a               ballad               then               kick               things               up               again               in               a               "rodeo               rock               &               roll"               song               like               "Little               Longhaired               Outlaw".

    He's               had               older               songs               that               resonate               like               "Ain't               No               Place               for               a               Country               Boy",               "The               Buckskin               Lady",               "Jeans               And               Good               Leather"               and               "Ten               Seconds               In               The               Saddle."               He's               done               covers               of               other               songs               such               as               the               Charlie               Daniels               written               "Billy               The               Kid",               "God               Must               Be               A               Cowboy,"               "Old               Paint"               and               a               haunting,               convincing               rendition               of               the               old               Jim               Reeves               song               "The               Blizzard."
                   His               steady               fan               base               -               there               before               and               after               the               Nashville               high               of               the               '90s               -               was               the               ranching,               farming,               working               people,               rodeo               folks.

    The               kind               of               people               who               could               saddle               a               horse               and               had               sweated               under               the               sun               making               too               little               money               for               too               much               effort               but               not               willing               to               change               it               for               a               desk               job.
                   Today               his               long               time               band,               Western               Underground,               still               tours,               keeping               Chris'               memory               and               music               alive.

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