레이블이 GAAP Definition of Bad Debt인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 GAAP Definition of Bad Debt인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 26일 화요일

About 'bad debt meaning'|... and pension plans. (This means that there is no demand for...Denninger said the real amount of bad debts is probably 30 trillion ...

About 'bad debt meaning'|... and pension plans. (This means that there is no demand for...Denninger said the real amount of bad debts is probably 30 trillion ...

After               working               a               horrible               food               service               job               that               didn't               pay               enough               to               make               ends               meet,               I               found               myself               buried               under               a               huge               pile               of               credit               card               debt               that               I               thought               I               would               never               be               able               to               pay               off.

I               decided               to               consolidate               my               credit               card               debt               and               force               myself               to               pay               it               off               in               one               year.

I               can't               even               begin               to               tell               you               how               amazing               it               feels               to               be               out               from               under               that               credit               card               debt               so               I               want               to               share               with               you               how               you               can               work               towards               freeing               yourself               from               credit               card               debt               and               have               that               same               feeling               of               freedom               for               yourself.

How               Much               Credit               Card               Debt               Do               You               Have?

               The               first               step               to               getting               yourself               out               of               credit               card               debt               is               to               take               inventory               of               your               credit               cards.

Create               an               Excel               spreadsheet               with               a               column               for:               name               of               the               credit               card,               amount               you               still               owe,               and               your               interest               rate.

Make               an               extra               row               at               the               bottom               for               the               total               of               the               amounts               that               you               still               owe.
               Request               Lower               Interest               Rate               
               If               you               only               have               one               or               two               credit               cards               carrying               a               balance               on               them               and               you               make               your               payments               regularly               you               might               want               to               request               a               lower               interest               rate               from               the               credit               card               providers.

Over               15%               interest               is               too               much               to               be               paying               in               interest               and               most               of               my               cards               were               running               at               about               22%.

If               you               cannot               get               your               banks               to               reduce               your               interest               amount               by               a               substantial               amount               or               you               have               multiple               cards               that               make               it               difficult               to               pay               each               minimum               payment               you               will               probably               want               to               consolidate               your               credit               card               debt               to               one               credit               card.
               Consolidating               to               One               Credit               Card               
               I               have               read               some               articles               that               say               that               consolidating               your               credit               card               debt               down               to               one               card               is               a               bad               idea,               but               this               is               a               method               that               I               have               used               myself               and               successfully               got               completely               out               of               debt               within               a               matter               of               months               after               doing               so.

Shop               around               for               a               good               credit               card               with               the               lowest               interest               rate               you               can               find.

If               you               bank               with               a               credit               union               they               should               be               able               to               get               you               a               really               good               interest               rate               and               if               you               are               lucky               you               might               end               up               getting               6               months               to               a               year               without               interest               meaning               that               around               $20               more               of               each               payment               you               make               will               go               directly               to               your               debt               and               not               to               paying               interest.

I               was               able               to               indicate               the               exact               amount               I               wanted               my               card               for               so               I               rounded               up               my               total               credit               card               debt               to               the               nearest               hundred               and               transferred               all               of               my               card               balances               to               one               place.

This               of               course               means               no               more               using               your               credit               cards               until               the               balance               is               paid               off.

Using               cash               is               a               good               practice               because               you               can               physically               see               the               money               leaving               your               hand               which               is               much               more               painful               than               swiping               a               piece               of               plastic.
               Do               NOT               get               rid               of               your               old               credit               cards               that               are               now               carrying               a               zero               balance.

Closing               a               credit               card               account               is               like               burning               bridges               with               a               former               employer.

These               credit               references               are               like               job               references,               but               for               your               credit               report.

If               you               keep               these               accounts               open               it               will               help               your               credit               score               more               than               if               you               closed               them               even               if               you               continue               to               carry               a               zero               balance.

Keep               your               old               cards               together               locked               in               a               safe               in               case               you               need               one               for               an               emergency               situation               in               the               future.
               You               should               plan               on               creating               a               budget               for               yourself.

Make               sure               you               are               allocating               enough               money               towards               your               credit               card               debt               as               you               can               afford               to               pay               even               if               it               means               cutting               back               on               some               luxury               items.

Once               your               card               has               been               paid               off               you               will               have               a               new               found               appreciation               for               money               and               be               able               to               slowly               introduce               those               luxury               items               back               into               your               lifestyle.

Once               your               debt               has               been               paid               off,               consider               putting               part               of               what               you               had               been               paying               towards               your               debt               into               a               high               yield               savings               account               such               as               with               ING               Direct               or               Emigrant               Direct               to               help               make               sure               you               don't               find               yourself               in               another               stressful               debt               situation               in               the               future.

A               really               great               free               budget               spreadsheet               is               available               through               free-financial-advice.net               and               CNN               has               Budget               101               that               is               also               a               helpful               budget               guide.
               Even               after               you               have               paid               off               your               debt               it               is               a               good               idea               to               stick               with               your               budget.

Accounting               for               where               each               dollar               you               spend               goes               helps               keep               things               in               prospective               and               helps               you               avoid               running               out               and               putting               unnecessary               items               on               your               credit               cards               so               you               don't               find               yourself               buried               under               a               huge               pile               of               credit               card               debt               again.

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    2013년 11월 25일 월요일

    About 'what is bad debt'|Ireland Is Drowning In Bad Debts

    About 'what is bad debt'|Ireland Is Drowning In Bad Debts

    Bad               debt               of               any               kind               can               haunt               you               for               the               rest               of               your               life.

    Paying               off               debts               that               have               been               charged               off               or               are               very               old               is               important               to               your               credit               rating.

    It               looks               very               bad               to               have               a               charge-off               on               your               credit               report.

    It               can               be               redeemed               to               a               point               though.

    That               is,               if               you               pay               it               off.

    Although               you               may               be               able               to               get               away               with               paying               those               old               bills               off,               it               will               more               than               likely               haunt               you               for               years               to               come.

    If               it               is               a               major               bank               or               credit               card               that               you               owe,               they               will               continue               to               call               you               for               years               afterwards               to               attempt               collection.

    This               means               that               it               will               continue               to               be               on               your               credit               report               all               of               those               years.

    You               have               to               ask               yourself               if               it               is               really               worth               the               trouble               of               avoiding               payment.

    Legally,               yes,               you               will               always               owe               the               money               if               you               don't               pay               it.
                   There               are               limits               on               the               time               that               a               business               can               take               you               to               court               to               collect               it.

    Those               limits               will               vary               from               state               to               state.

    In               order               to               find               out               what               those               limits               are               it               is               best               to               check               your               state               and               local               laws               on               it.

    If               it               goes               to               court,               your               wages               can               be               attached               and               your               bank               account               can               be               frozen               and               the               money               in               it               confiscated.
                   Here               are               some               of               the               reasons               that               you               need               to               pay               off               charge               offs               and               other               old               debt:
                   Credit               Report
                   The               first               thing               that               non-payment               of               your               bills               creates               is               a               horrible               credit               rating.

    Your               credit               report               is               important               to               many               aspects               of               your               life.

    The               ability               to               get               some               jobs               can               even               be               affected               by               it               because               many               employers               check               your               report               to               see               that               you               are               a               reliable               person               to               have               in               their               office.
                   The               information               that               is               reported               on               your               credit               report               stays               with               it               for               up               to               seven               years.

    That               is               a               long               time               to               have               bad               marks               on               your               credit               report.

    If               the               creditor               or               the               collection               agency               calls               you               about               the               money               due,               the               process               begins               all               over               again.

    It               is               a               vicious               cycle               that               can               haunt               you               for               the               rest               of               your               life.
                   If               you               do               not               pay               off               your               old               loans,               including               credit               card               bills,               you               will               find               it               very               difficult               to               get               a               loan               in               the               future.

    This               means               that               you               will               not               be               able               to               obtain               a               loan               for               a               car               or               a               home.

    These               are               two               major               purchases               and               ones               that               you               cannot               get               around.

    That               in               turn               forces               you               to               live               in               sub-standard               housing               and               drive               cars               that               are               far               less               than               reliable.

    In               fact,               you               may               not               be               able               to               get               a               car               at               all               if               you               don't               have               the               cash               to               pay               for               it.
                   Insurance               rates               sky               rocket               when               you               have               a               bad               credit               report.

    Most               insurance               companies               check               your               credit               to               determine               your               premium.

    This               may               not               sound               fair,               but               it               is               legal               and               it               is               used.

    It               is               probably               cheaper               to               just               pay               off               the               debts               and               get               it               over               with.
                   Other               aspects               of               your               life               that               are               affected               by               a               bad               credit               rating               is               jobs,               the               ability               to               rent               a               place               to               live               or               any               other               credit               cards               being               issued               to               you.
                   It               truly               isn't               worth               the               long-term               costs               of               not               paying               your               bills.

    If               you               pay               them,               no               matter               how               late               they               are,               you               will               be               better               off.

    The               bad               credit               rating               can               eventually               disappear               but               only               if               you               pay               off               what               you               owe.

    Don't               take               the               chance.

    Pay               off               what               you               owe               and               get               it               over               with               so               that               you               don't               end               up               spending               your               life               running               away               from               bad               debt.

    Image of what is bad debt

    what is bad debt
    what is bad debt

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    what is bad debt

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    what is bad debt

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    what is bad debt
    what is bad debt

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    what is bad debt
    what is bad debt

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      ...ability to hike the debt ceiling and the tax... upfront. What way too many senate Republicans are doing is... of what a bad deal will cost ...
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    2013년 11월 24일 일요일

    About 'define bad debt'|...local levels to establish what we want to define as liberal and/or progressive. Second, we need to...without God. Many Christians are bad with god. So it's up to us to find out how...

    About 'define bad debt'|...local levels to establish what we want to define as liberal and/or progressive. Second, we need to...without God. Many Christians are bad with god. So it's up to us to find out how...

    Two               online               dictionaries               define               "gift"               as               "something               given               voluntarily               without               payment               in               return,               as               to               show               favor               toward               someone,               honor               an               occasion,"               and               "something               given               to               show               friendship,               affection,               support,               etc."               And               it's               the               terms               "show               favor,"               "honor",               and               "show               friendship,               affection"               that               I               believe               many               people               completely               miss               during               the               rush-rush               of               holiday               gift-giving.

    Let               me               explain               what               a               gift               is               not               about:
                   •               It               is               NOT               about               how               cheaply               you               can               bargain               for               something               at               a               yard               sale;
                   •               It               is               NOT               about               how               much               (or               little)               money               you               can               spend               on               something               ridiculous;
                   •               It               is               NOT               about               going               through               your               closets               and               selecting               something               you               no               longer               have               use               for;
                   •               It               is               NOT               about               going               into               debt               and               making               yourself               financially               uncomfortable               in               order               to               do               what               you               feel               is               expected;               and
                   •               It               is               NOT               about               giving               some               cast-off               trinket               in               the               hopes               of               getting               an               expensive               gift               card               in               return.
                   If               you               have               done               any               of               the               above,               you               need               to               STOP               immediately               and               take               a               good               look               at               what               a               gift               really               is.

    By               its               very               definition,               a               gift               is               meant               to               show               favor               and/or               honor,               or               to               show               friendship               and               affection.

    In               thinking               this               notion               through,               then,               a               gift               is               actually               a               message               which               you               wish               to               impart               to               the               recipient               of               a               gift.

    In               other               words,               if               the               message               you               wish               to               relay               is               "you               are               special               to               me,               I               appreciate               your               presence               in               my               life,"               you               must               ask               yourself,               "Am               I               conveying               this               message               with               this               gift?"               Let               me               give               some               real-life               examples               of               BAD               gifting.
                   Bad               Gifting
                   Once               upon               a               time,               I               had               a               mother-in-law               who               worked               for               a               major               department               store.

    In               fact,               it               was               a               store               that               did               not               carry               plus-sizes               (which               I               have               worn               since               elementary               school).

    When               the               store               would               have               end-of-season               mark-downs,               Dot               would               gather               loads               of               potential               gifts,               and               with               her               30%               discount,               she               might               purchase               a               sweater               for               $2,               or               a               skirt               for               $1.50.

    What               a               bargain!

    Except               that               (a)               they               were               NEVER               in               my               size,               and               (b)               they               could               not               be               returned               since               they'd               been               bought               on               clearance               and               with               her               employee               discount.

    So               Christmas               time               would               find               beautiful,               exquisitely               wrapped               packages               under               the               tree,               looking               as               if               the               name               on               the               gift               tag               really               were               someone               special               to               Dot.

    Once               opened,               however,               a               Size               6               skirt               for               a               Size               26               backside               became               just               a               bit               of               trash.

    What               was               the               message               I               got               from               Dot?

    "You               are               fat,               and               trash               to               me."
                   Dot               could               have               purchased               a               $2               marked-down               pretty               platter               or               a               set               of               napkins               or               placemats               or               even               a               pretty               hair               clip               or               earrings.

    But               she               didn't               work               in               the               platter               or               hair               clip               departments,               she               worked               in               the               Junior               department.

    So               she               bought               her               unappreciative               queen-sized               daughter-in-law               junior-sized               clothing.

    In               essence,               she               bought               me               trash.

    Dot               was               a               bad               gifter               because               she               bought               gifts               that               didn't               fit               and               couldn't               be               used               or               returned.
                   Then               there's               Cindy,               a               friend               who               once               stated               with               pride               that               she               was               on               her               fourth               "Charity               card"               only               half-way               through               the               year.

    That               meant               she               had               spent               several               hundred               dollars               at               a               non-profit               donations-only               thrift               store.

    For               each               $200               she               spent,               she               would               get               $20               in               free               (used)               merchandise.

    Now,               shopping               the               consignment               or               thrift               type               stores               is               a               personal               choice,               and               those               kinds               of               places               CAN               be               the               source               for               finding               great               bargains...

    books               by               your               favorite               author               for               a               quarter,               or               neat               lamps               or               home               décor               for               just               a               little               bit               of               cash.

    I               can               appreciate               finding               those               kinds               of               items               and               purchasing               them               for               myself.

    But               again,               buying               clothes               for               a               plus-sized               woman?

    Not               so               much.

    In               the               first               place,               I               am               a               bit               funny               about               wearing               some               of               those               clothes               because               they               often               have               a               strange               odor               that               I               find               off-putting               (not               to               mention               my               bug               phobia).

    But               more               than               that,               as               a               large               and               lovely               woman,               I               have               learned               that               I               must               TRY               ON               any               and               every               article               of               clothing.

    Some               Size               22's               fit,               some               don't.

    Some               things               hang               well,               others               don't.

    Some               things               would               work               on               my               "inverted               square"               body               type               that               absolutely               would               not               work               on               a               pear-shape               body               type               and               vice               versa.

    And               while               Cindy               prided               herself               on               her               thrift               store               shopping,               she               was               quite               free               to               ASK               for               a               $50               gift               card               (yes,               she               was               that               specific)               from               a               local               home               improvement               store.

    Now               think               about               this               for               a               moment:               the               same               year               she               requested               FROM               me               a               $50               gift               card               (cost:               $50)               from               Home               Depot               (she               so               needed               it               to               pick               up               little               things               for               her               new               home),               she               gave               TO               me               a               set               of               four               yard-sale               mugs               and               a               thrift               store               Weight               Watchers               cookbook               (cost:               $3).

    The               message               to               me:               "I               want               what               I               want               from               you               and               I               want               to               give               you               things               others               have               thrown               away               (trash)."
                   Cindy               had               other               gifting               tricks,               as               well.

    You               see,               she               was               a               housekeeper               for               a               local               artist.

    Whenever               she'd               spy               an               easel               or               a               broken               bird               cage               in               the               garbage,               she's               rescue               them               for               presents!

    The               artist               had               been               disgusted               with               her               painting               and               thrown               it               away,               but               Cindy               would               wrap               it               up               and               put               a               bow               on               it               for               you.

    The               homeowner               had               discarded               a               broken               bird               cage,               but               Cindy               would               gather               a               stem               of               silk               greenery               and               a               votive               and               give               them               to               you               as               a               patio               decoration.

    Cindy               was               the               worst               kind               of               bad               gifter--she               had               no               conscience               about               asking               for               GREAT               gifts               from               you               and               in               turn               gave               you               trash               you               couldn't               use.
                   Good               Gifting
                   One               of               the               very               best               gift-givers               I               have               ever               known               is               my               daughter,               Dana!

    What               makes               her               gifts               so               special?

    Because               she               puts               real               thought               into               the               likes               and               personality               of               the               receiver.

    For               example,               she               knows               that               I               love               the               water--the               ocean               and               beaches,               lakes               and               streams.

    Not               only               have               I               taken               beachy               vacations               for               years,               but               most               of               the               pictures               in               my               home               have               water,               they               may               depict               ocean               waves               or               the               lakeshore,               but               they               all               have               water.

    So               I               receive               a               new               mousepad               with               a               beach               scene               or               a               coffee               mug               with               an               ocean               scene-a               close-at-hand,               daily               reminder               of               something               I               love.

    Those               are               wonderful               gifts               that               say               to               me,               "What's               important               to               you               is               important               to               me."               Those               are               the               kinds               of               gifts               that               make               me               feel               special               because               she               took               the               time               and               energy               to               figure               out               and               then               FIND               something               that               she               knew               would               make               me               smile.

    And               those               items               make               me               smile               day               after               day,               year               after               year,               because               each               time               I               use               them,               I               am               reminded               again               of               her               love               and               affection.

    That               daily               reminder               embodies               the               very               essence               of               a               "gift."
                   How               to               Become               a               Good               Gifter
                   So,               okay,               you               realize               you're               a               terrible               gift-giver-and               you               want               to               change               that.

    (Hooray!)               There               are               several               ways               to               begin.

    First,               make               a               list               of               those               on               whom               you               wish               to               bestow               gifts.

    Beside               the               name               of               each               person,               make               a               note               of               their               traits,               their               likes,               anything               about               them               that               you               know               is               uniquely               them-you               know,               what               differentiates               them               from               the               crowd.

    Once               you               have               determined               what               you               can               afford,               then               spend               some               time               ruminating               about               the               kinds               of               gifts               within               your               budget               that               would               be               likely               to               please               THEM.
                   Another               way               to               become               a               good               gifter               is               to               ask               people               to               make               a               list               of               several               items               they               would               enjoy               receiving               as               a               gift.

    This               is               a               great               way               that               my               daughter               and               I               have               learned               to               be               sure               we               get               each               other               things               we               enjoy,               and               yet               maintain               the               surprise               of               the               exact               gifts.

    Let               me               explain.

    My               list               might               contain               things               like               pretty               writing               paper/stationery,               nail               polish               in               pinks               and               reds,               books               by               certain               authors,               specialty               chocolates               and               coffees,               clean               burning               candles,               etc.

    It               might               also               include               a               single               "big"               item               like               a               tool               box               or               foot               spa.

    Her               list               might               include               art               supplies               (easel,               canvas,               paints,               brushes),               tennis               shoes,               clothes,               gas               or               phone               gift               cards.

    The               lists               are               broad               enough               that,               obviously,               we're               not               going               to               purchase               everything               on               each               other's               list.

    But               selecting               items               from               the               list               ensures               that               the               receiver               is               given               items               that               they               will               enjoy               using.
                   Broke               and               Can't               Afford               a               Gift
                   There               are               few               people               who               don't               understand               being               "so               broke               you               can't               pay               attention."               Whatever               the               reason               your               budget               simply               cannot               provide               for               gift               giving,               if               you're               broke,               you're               broke.

    It's               not               a               matter               of               shame,               it's               just               a               matter               of               fact,               and               it               doesn't               make               you               a               bad               person.

    What               it               means               is               that               you               should               be               a               responsible               and               realistic               person.

    I               have               found               the               best               way               to               deal               with               this               issue               is               to               be               upfront               and               positive,               and               simply               say               far               in               advance               of               the               gift-giving               season,               "My               budget               is               stressed               and               depressed,               so               instead               of               giving               gifts,               let's               share               some               time               together               this               year."               I've               never               had               anyone               express               disappointment;               I               have               had               people               agree               that               they,               too,               were               struggling               with               budget               issues               and               eliminating               the               gift               expectation               was               a               relief.

    Most               often               I've               been               told,               "I               just               want               to               see               you,               a               gift               is               not               important."               For               the               budget               challenged,               here's               one               big               comfort:               the               gift               of               friendship,               love               and               openness               is               much               welcome;               a               poorly               picked               tacky               gift               is               an               insult               that               causes               pain.

    So               don't               make               that               mistake.
                   Here's               the               bottom-line               rule               of               thumb               for               gift-giving:               WHAT               IS               THE               MESSAGE               YOU               ARE               IMPARTING               TO               THE               RECIPIENT?

    If               the               message               is               not               one               of               honor,               affection,               friendship               and               support,               do               NOT               give               the               gift.

    Instead,               write               a               note               telling               the               recipient               how               much               they               mean               to               you.

    I               guarantee               that               simple               gesture               will               be               much               better               received               than               the               gift               of               someone               else's               trash.

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