2013년 11월 23일 토요일

About 'provision for bad debts'|Bad Debts, Commercial Judgment and Taxation

About 'provision for bad debts'|Bad Debts, Commercial Judgment and Taxation

Do               you               place               more               trust               in               people               or               God?

This               is               the               question               that               has               been               asked.

This               would               or               should               be               an               easy               yes               or               no               answer.

As               a               Christian,               I               know               the               answer               to               this               question               is               "yes",               or               should               in               theory               be               yes.

Sometimes               though               it               is               very               difficult               to               really               in               your               heart               of               heart               believe               and               trust               God.

Especially               when               God               has               allowed               things               into               your               life               that               are               very               difficult               or               just               plain               hard.
               It               is               only               later               on               down               the               road               that               you               can               really               know               what               or               who               you               were               trusting               in               to               get               you               through               that               difficult               time.

You               may               have               called               on               people,               you               may               have               prayed,               and               read               your               Bible.

All               of               these               may               have               brought               some               measure               of               comfort.
               But               when               all               the               circumstances               in               your               life               have               turned               sour               and               the               words               you're               reading               from               your               Bible               become               blurred               due               to               the               pain               in               your               life.

And               all               your               friends               are               busy,               or               going               through               trials               of               your               own.

It               is               then               that               you               will               find               you               have               to               know               in               the               deepest               part               of               your               inner               being               whether               you               believe               what               you               have               said               to               others.
               Especially               if               you               have               casually               stated               that               you               put               your               faith               and               trust               in               God               alone.

Sometimes               we               can               say               things               before               we               really               think               what               it               is               we               are               saying.

We               may               on               the               surface               actually               believe               what               we               are               saying,               but               our               actions               may               say               something               completely               and               totally               different.
               When               we               say               we               trust               God               alone,               and               then               turn               to               people               when               our               circumstances               are               overwhelming               in               whatever               way.

We               are               showing               by               our               actions               that               we               truly               trusting               more               in               what               we               can               see,               like               flesh               and               blood               people.

We               may               really               want               to               put               into               practice               what               we               say,               but               if               there               are               people               in               our               lives               who               are               available               to               listen,               available               to               physically               help               us,               we               may               turn               to               those               we               can               see               (people),               when               we               should               have               instead               turned               to               God.

And               fully               trusted               God               to               deliver               us               out               of               whatever               situation               we               were               in,               or               we               should               have               turned               to               God               in               prayer               to               give               us               the               strength               to               live               victoriously               in               the               situation               he               has               placed               us.
               When               we               come               to               the               place               where               we               are               fully               trusting               in               God               alone,               we               will               not               go               to               people               with               our               problems;               we               won't               go               and               borrow               money               from               our               church               or               friends.

Instead               we               will               believe               and               trust               God               to               help               us               find               a               way               to               pay               our               debts               without               going               into               more               debt.
               When               we               turn               around               and               look               at               the               ever               increasing               obstacle's               and               circumstances               in               our               lives,               we               forget               that               God               is               able               to               more               than               supply               our               needs               if               we               ask               him               to               do               so.

And               if               we               believe               that               he               will               do               so.

Rushing               ahead               of               God,saying               we               trust               him,               we               forget               that               to               trust               him               also               means               to               obey               what               he               has               said               in               his               word.

And               he               has               called               on               us               to               be               good               stewards               of               what               he               has               given               us,               when               we               must               borrow               in               order               to               meet               our               needs;               we               are               not               being               good               stewards.

Instead               we               are               saying               that               God               is               not               able               to               supply               all               of               our               needs               and               we               are               trusting               in               people               to               meet               our               needs               instead               of               believing               and               trusting               God               to               meet               our               needs.
               God               is               able               to               meet               our               needs,               to               bring               peace               and               contentment               to               our               lives,               but               we               have               to               be               able               to               fully               trust               him.

Just               saying               we               trust               God,               does               not               make               it               so.

Our               actions               will               tell               on               us.
               If               we               make               mention               to               others               that               we               are               fully               trusting               in               God               alone,               and               then               we               prove               the               opposite               by               going               to               people               with               our               problems               and               needs               we               are               no               more               than               liars.

or               hypocritical               at               the               very               least.
               I               do               believe               and               trust               in               God,               but               my               actions               have               not               always               matched               what               I               have               said.

Not               because               I               don't               believe               God,               but               because               sometimes               having               faith               is               not               easy,               especially               when               the               circumstances               of               life               are               vividly               painful,               or               not               easy.
               It               can               be               easy               to               trust               God               for               the               little               things               in               life,               but               it               is               much               harder               to               believe               and               trust               God               when               God               allows               things               into               your               life               that               make               no               sense               whatsoever.

It               is               when               God               allows               the               hard               things               into               your               life               that               you               have               to               remember               that               God               is               still               in               control.
               There               are               reasons               that               God               allows               things               into               our               life,               whether               or               not               we               will               fully               comprehend               or               understand               the               why               of               everything               in               this               life               is               debatable.

God               may               allow               us               to               understand               some               things,               but               he               may               not.
               But               regardless               of               whether               we               fully               understand               why,               if               we               say               we               trust               God               more               than               people,               we               need               to               put               that               into               practice.

When               we               don't               and               when               we               turn               to               people               when               we               should               have               turned               to               God,               it               makes               our               faith               look               weak.

We               also               give               occasion               for               unbelievers               to               say               people               are               to               be               trusted               more               so               than               God,               which               isn't               true.

Although               at               times               we               may               turn               to               people               out               of               anger               towards               God.
               When               we               are               angry               towards               God               for               any               reason,               whether               we               feel               justified               or               not               we               make               poor               choices               and               we               cause               others               to               not               learn               to               trust               God,               when               God               allows               things               into               their               lives               that               are               hard.
               Trusting               God               more               than               people,               do               I               personally               trust               God               more               than               people?

I'd               say               yes,               but               my               actions               have               not               always               matched               what               I               know               in               my               heart               is               true.
               I               believe               God               uses               other               people               to               help               us               sometimes               when               our               faith               is               weak,               but               I               also               believe               we               can               be               used               by               God               to               help               others               learn               to               better               trust               God.

When               we               not               only               give               praise               to               God               for               his               blessings               and               provisions               but               also               when               we               do               not               tell               others               of               our               needs.
               When               we               tell               people               of               our               needs               such               as               a               need               to               pay               a               bill               or               that               we               have               some               other               material               need,               we               are               telling               those               who               have               no               faith               or               trust               in               God,               that               the               God               we               serve               is               not               able               to               provide               for               or               meet               our               needs.

It               is               a               bad               testimony.
               We               should               however               turn               to               God               and               pray               for               what               we               need,               and               look               for               examples               of               others               who               have               turned               to               God               instead               of               people;               this               will               help               us               to               increase               our               faith,               and               may               help               others               to               see               that               God               can               be               trusted               when               circumstances               are               overwhelming               to               us               with               our               limitations.
               Trusting               God               for               me               has               at               times               been               very               hard,               and               sometimes               I               still               have               a               problem               with               trusting               God.

It               can               be               easier               to               try               to               trust               people               because               you               can               see               people,               you               cannot               see               God.

You               have               to               believe               God               on               faith               alone.

Trust               is               something               that               can               be               hard               to               learn,               whether               your               placing               your               trust               in               people               or               God.
               It               is               better               to               trust               in               God,               and               you               can.

If               your               trust               is               wavering               or               weak               instead               of               only               turning               to               those               you               can               see               around               you               look               in               the               Bible               for               those               who               believed               God,               and               placed               their               trust               in               God.

And               God               delivered               them.

Then               look               around               for               people               who               are               thanking               God               for               his               provision               and               blessings,               this               will               increase               your               faith               and               trust,               as               it               has               mine.
               Looking               at               circumstances               is               a               good               way               to               place               your               trust               in               material               items               you               can               see               or               in               people               who               will               fail.

God               never               fails,               he               doesn't               always               agree               that               what               we               want               or               desire               is               best,               and               it               is               when               God               says               no,               that               our               trust               is               strengthened               the               most,               if               we               choose               to               listen               to               God               instead               of               turning               to               a               person,               who               can               never               care               for               us               as               much               as               God               himself               can.

Later               on               down               the               road               God               may               show               us               why               he               said               no,               but               even               if               he               doesn't               we               have               to               believe               that               the               one               who               loved               us               enough               to               die               for               us,               cares               enough               so               we               can               trust               him.
               God               knows               when               our               faith               is               weak,               and               he               knows               when               we               need               encouragement,               and               that               is               why               he               has               given               us               many               examples               of               others               who               have               trusted               him,               even               when               it               was               not               easy               to               do               so.

We               can               look               for               examples               in               the               Bible;               we               can               look               for               examples               in               history,               and               in               the               lives               of               mature               Christians               around               us.
               Trusting               God               is               not               always               easy,               and               sometimes               I               fail               greatly               in               this               area.

Trusting               people               is               not               easy,               and               not               wise.

But               sometimes               I               have               trusted               more               in               people               than               in               God.
               This               is               an               area               that               needs               much               work               in               my               life;               this               is               true               I               believe               of               the               majority               of               professing               Christians.

Faith               such               as               George               Muller               had,               does               not               in               my               opinion               come               easily               of               overnight.

It               takes               time,               but               God               is               faithful,               he               does               not               change               nor               does               he               waver,               even               though               we               may               waver               in               our               trust.
               To               fully               and               completely               trust               God               means               that               you               learn               to               place               your               hand               and               life               in               the               hand               of               God,               then               when               the               storms               of               life               come,               you               hold               on               tight.
               He'll               never               let               you               go,               and               he'll               not               let               you               fall.

But               if               you               want               to               try               to               fight               the               obstacles               in               your               life               alone               or               in               your               own               wisdom               and               might               then               he'll               watch               you               as               you               try,               waiting               for               you               to               learn               that               the               battle               you're               trying               to               fight               is               not               yours.
               When               you               turn               to               him,               he'll               carry               you               through               the               battle               you               thought               was               lost.

He               has               already               paid               the               cost.

We               just               have               to               remember               that               when               God               has               said               he               will               meet               all               our               needs               according               to               his               riches               in               heaven               he               will               do               so.

Then               when               circumstances               and               life               are               out               of               our               control,               we               have               to               remember               who               it               is               we               can               fully               trust               to               carry               us               through               to               the               other               side               of               the               circumstance.
               Saying               I               trust               God,               and               putting               that               trust               into               action               are               too               very               different               things,               as               I               am               sure               is               true               for               most               people               if               they               were               truthful               to               themselves.

It               is               unwise               to               trust               in               people,               it               is               wise               to               trust               in               God.

But               it               is               at               times               easy               to               "think"               we               can               trust               in               what               we               can               see               more               than               in               the               God               who               cared               enough               to               die.

Trust               is               earned,               and               trust               is               learned,               and               God               has               through               his               payment               for               us               more               than               earned               our               trust,               if               we               can               only               learn               to               fully               accept.

Image of provision for bad debts

provision for bad debts
provision for bad debts

provision for bad debts Image 1

provision for bad debts
provision for bad debts

provision for bad debts Image 2

provision for bad debts
provision for bad debts

provision for bad debts Image 3

provision for bad debts
provision for bad debts

provision for bad debts Image 4

provision for bad debts
provision for bad debts

provision for bad debts Image 5

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    5. legaldevelopments.blogspot.com/   01/25/2010
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    6. gulabsingh.wordpress.com/   11/07/2010
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