레이블이 Income Statement Bad Debt Expense인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Income Statement Bad Debt Expense인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 25일 월요일

About 'bad debt expenses'|...of her departments expenses claim, where she intentionally... off a big debt or she had ... doing. I mean bad habits are...

About 'bad debt expenses'|...of her departments expenses claim, where she intentionally... off a big debt or she had ... doing. I mean bad habits are...

Millions               of               consumers               each               year,               especially               young               people,               take               credit               cards               up               on               their               offers               of               credit               cards.

They               often               do               not               pay               attention               to               interest               rates               and               other               related               fees               and               the               majority               easily               racks               up               thousands               upon               thousands               of               debt               quite               quickly.

While               filing               Chapter               7               bankruptcy               has               provided               the               option               for               consumers               to               erase               the               debt               they               have               amassed               soon               it               will               not               be               as               easy.

The               tougher               new               bankruptcy               laws               that               President               Bush               has               just               passed               will               focus               more               on               creditors               being               repaid               and               make               it               more               difficult               for               consumers               filing               for               Chapter               7               bankruptcy.

The               new               bankruptcy               laws               are               causing               quite               a               stir               between               the               supporters               of               the               bill               and               those               who               oppose               it.

People               in               opposition               to               the               new               laws               say               they               give               too               much               power               to               the               banks               and               other               creditors.

Those               in               support               say               it               will               make               people               more               responsible               with               their               spending               habits               and               stop               the               abuse               for               declaring               Chapter�7               bankruptcy               to               avoid               paying               owed               debts.

There               are               great               points               in               support               of               both               sides.
               Some               good               points               to               the               new               bankruptcy               laws               include               some               of               the               following.

Any               money               that               has               been               put               into               an               educational               IRA               will               not               be               affected               by               any               bankruptcy               proceedings.
               Credit               counseling               agencies               and               going               to               start               being               to               stricter               standards               and               will               have               to               start               meeting               specific               criteria               in               order               for               them               to               remain               in               operation.
               Companies               that               issue               credit               cards               will               also               be               held               to               stricter               standards.

They               will               soon               be               required               to               inform               consumers               just               home               long               it               would               take               to               pay               a               balance               off               if               just               the               minimum               monthly               payment               is               made.

Also               it               will               prevent               the               issuing               company               from               closing               your               account               should               you               only               pay               the               minimum               balance.

Also               studies               will               begin               to               see               if               these               companies               are               issuing               credit               cards               to               individuals               without               taking               into               account               if               they               are               well               enough               equipped               to               repay               any               possible               debt.
               Those               in               opposition               to               the               new               bankruptcy               laws               would               more               then               likely               bring               up               some               of               the               following               points.

Debtors               will               risk               loosing               their               vehicle               to               repossession               if               they               are               unable               to               pay               the               total               cost               of               the               auto               loan               even               if               the               vehicle's               worth               is               less               then               the               outstanding               balance.
               Debtors               will               soon               be               required               to               pay               off               all               debts               charged               on               credit               cards               the               three               months               prior               to               filing               bankruptcy.

Landlords               will               have               a               much               easier               time               evicting               bankrupt               tenants               the               have               fallen               behind               on               their               rent.
               Courts               will               be               able               to               spell               out               what               is               believed               to               be               a               reasonable               amount               to               spend               monthly               on               food,               transportation               and               other               monthly               expenses.

Unless               a               good               reason               not               to               is               presented               debtors               will               be               required               to               live               within               these               guidelines.
               Creditors               will               begin               to               have               the               power               to               ask               the               courts               to               end               the               bankruptcy               petition               should               the               debtor               be               late               in               filing               any               type               of               paperwork               such               as               paycheck               stubs.
               Whether               you               are               in               support               or               opposition               of               the               new               bankruptcy               laws               hopefully               everyone               will               take               them               into               consideration               when               deciding               to               make               that               next               purchase               on               credit               or               signing               up               for               that               too               good               to               be               true               credit               card               offer.

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