About 'reporting bad debt'|How can a merchant effect a consumer's credit report for a bad debt
Managing your credit can be quite a task. You may be overwhelmed with debt and do not know where to turn. It is important that you stay on top of your credit because your score will hang over your head for the rest of your life. It is important in being a financially responsible person. These tips can help you stay on top of your credit and take charge of your debt. Obtain a free copy of your credit report annually. You are entitled to one free copy of your credit report each year, and it is important to check it to make sure that there are no errors on your report, and to also know what your credit score is. You can get this copy of your credit report right online. If you do find any errors on your credit report you will need to contact the creditor and credit reporting agency in writing to dispute the error. Included with a letter stating your case, you will need to include copies of any documentation to support your side. Keep records of everything that you send to them, and remember that it can take up to thirty days to hear anything back of a decision to change the error. Take a look at the debt that you have. There are two kinds of debt, good debt and bad debt. Good debt is debt you cannot avoid, like monthly utilities, car payments, and car insurance. These types of bills are something you will always have, and these are essential to stay up on. Credit cards and medical bills are considered bad debt and these you will want to get rid of. If you have thousands of dollars of debt, you may want to consider debt consolidation. They will help lower your monthly payments, so you can pay down your balances and pay less interest. If you are considering a debt consolidation company, make sure you look at several companies and select one that you trust. Look at your monthly budget. You want to compare the money you have coming in on a monthly basis and compare it to how much money you have going out. If you have more money going out than in, you may want to consider cutting down your bills if possible, or picking up another income. Look at your savings and 401k for the future, and plan for it. It is important that you can stay on top of your debt so that you can be financially successful. Keep control of your credit report and make financially responsible decisions with your money so that you can cut out your bad debt, and plan for the future. |
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