레이블이 Loan Recovery Definition인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Loan Recovery Definition인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 24일 일요일

About 'recovery of bad debt'|a “silent tsunami” of bad debt still threatens to stall a recovery in the world’s largest energy-exporting economy

About 'recovery of bad debt'|a “silent tsunami” of bad debt still threatens to stall a recovery in the world’s largest energy-exporting economy

The               reason               I               named               this               article               "The               Raping               Of               America"               is               because               what               is               happening               to               the               citizens               is               although               many               times               legal,               is               very               immoral.

I               am               about               to               discuss               two               different               samples               in               my               own               life               where               as               a               consumer               and               citizen               I               have               been               ripped               off               and               am               still               being               ripped               off.

Let               me               start               with               Hughes               net               high               speed               Internet               When               we               first               signed               up,               it               was               a               pretty               good               deal               while               it               was               still               direcway.

Then               it               became               Hughes               net               and               that               is               when               the               trouble               started.

We               kept               having               problems               and               having               to               call               them               over               and               over               again.

Because               of               their               outsourcing               it               is               so               difficult               to               understand               the               technician               and               get               the               technician               to               understand               you.

But               still               it               was               not               bad               except               for               the               bandwidth.
               Without               going               into               details,               all               the               Satelite               high               speed               Internet               has               what               they               call               a               download               threshold.

What               this               is               depending               on               the               plan               we               have               purchased               from               them,               we               are               only               allowed               so               many               megabytes               of               download               with               in               a               certain               amount               of               time.

If               we               exceeds               that               time               then               we               are               subject               to               what               is               called               the               "Fair               Access               Policy"               or               FAP.

In               reality               this               is               an               unfair               access               policy.
               Now               here               is               where               Hughes               net               is               ripping               me               and               many               other               customers               off.

At               one               time               we               were               allowed               160               something               megabytes               every               four               hours               with               an               up               to               8               hour               recovery               time.

When               we               exceed               the               amount               of               download               allowed               in               the               alloted               time               then               the               high               speed               is               no               longer               in               effect               and               we               end               up               with               slower               then               dial               up               performance               during               the               recover               time.

If               we               continue               downloading               in               excess               that               time               is               increased.

Well               that               was               not               a               problem               for               us               and               rarely               did               we               ever               exceed               our               allotted               download               in               the               alloted               time.
               Downloads               can               be               anything               from               opening               web               pages,               web               radio,               on               line               videos,               critical               or               otherwise               updates               for               your               computer               and               its               software,               and               even               the               updates               from               the               high               speed               provider               to               your               modem.

That               does               not               leave               us               much               we               can               do.

Specially               for               us               who               are               trying               to               earn               a               little               money               on               line               to               make               ends               meet.
               We               decided               to               go               to               the               next               higher               plan               with               more               download               and               was               alloted               350               megabytes               every               four               hours               and               that               was               not               to               bad.

We               could               live               with               that.

Suddenly               Hughes               announces               they               were               changing               their               FAP               and               the               increased               our               allotment               to               375               megabytes,               but               also               increased               the               alloted               time               to               use               that               much               in.

It               was               now               375               megabytes               in               a               24               hour               period               and               a               24               hour               recovery               time.
               I               have               gone               round               and               round               with               them               and               they               will               not               budge.

When               I               asked               for               the               number               or               email               address               for               Hughes               headquarters               the               technicians               conveniently               did               not               have               those               number.

Now               instead               of               having               365               megabytes               every               4               hours               I               did               the               math               and               we               now               only               have               62.50               megabytes               every               four               hours               on               the               average.
               This               kind               of               action               and               lack               of               response               or               caring               on               the               part               of               Hughes               maybe               legal               but               definitely               immoral.

I               still               do               not               understand               why               they               have               to               have               any               kind               of               bandwidth               limitation               when               cable               and               DSL               do               not.

I               personally               believe               it               is               just               another               way               for               big               company's               to               rip               off               the               consumers               to               put               money               into               their               own               pockets.
               The               second               example               I               want               to               present               to               you               is               about               the               Veterans               Administration.

I               am               not               going               to               give               figures               or               to               much               detail               because               I               don't               care               to               broadcast               my               personal               finance.

But               rest               assured               I               am               being               raped               or               ripped               off               by               the               VA.

I               am               paying               for               their               incompetent               workers               mistake.
               I               am               a               disabled               Vet               and               use               the               VA               for               my               medical               problems.

I               do               have               a               co-pay               on               my               medicine               which               is               really               not               that               bad               considering               what               others               have               to               pay               for               medicine.

The               problem               is               in               1992               I               was               awarded               a               large               sum               of               money               to               exit               the               United               States               Air               force               Early.

This               was               called               the               Early               Out               Program.

I               was               then               awarded               disability               a               year               or               so               after               I               had               been               honorably               discharged               for               the               Air               force               and               was               told               that               since               I               was               disabled               that               changed               my               discharge               status               and               had               to               pay               that               whole               huge               sum               of               money               back.

Instead               of               getting               disability               pay               they               are               using               each               months               pay               check               to               pay               that               off.

I               will               get               no               money               for               being               disabled               from               them               until               the               whole               amount               is               recovered               including               what               I               payed               in               taxes.
               Hurricane               Rita               came               through               and               destroyed               our               home               forcing               us               to               get               a               new               home               and               the               government               did               not               help               us               at               all               to               get               into               the               new               home.

In               the               meantime               I               had               applied               for               a               waver               on               co-payment               on               my               medicine.

When               we               moved               and               the               9/11               people               gave               us               our               new               address,               I               in               turn               gave               it               to               the               VA               over               and               over               again               and               they               did               not               change               the               address.

We               did               not               get               a               bill               for               several               months               so               I               thought               I               had               qualified               for               the               co-payment.

One               day               I               get               a               letter               from               the               VA               with               the               old               address               still               on               it,               stating               that               I               owed               a               large               amount               to               them               in               back               payment.

The               notice               also               said               this               was               the               second               notice.

I               never               received               the               first.

I               live               on               Social               Security               Disability.

We               barely               scrape               by               month               to               month               and               now               they               wanted               me               to               pay               that               amount               that               was               accumulated               due               to               someones               incompetents,               by               not               changing               my               address.

I               told               them               I               should               not               have               to               pay               for               their               mistakes.

Since               then               they               have               been               take               large               chunks               of               money               out               of               my               SSDI               every               month               pushing               us               further               and               further               into               debt.

The               VA               turned               it               over               to               the               treasury               department               who               steals               the               money               from               me               takes               it               cut               and               then               sends               the               rest               to               the               other               thieves.
               This               is               just               two               examples               on               how               citizens               and               consumers               are               being               raped               by               big               business               and               the               federal               government.

I               have               even               contacted               my               congressman               and               they               don't               seem               to               be               doing               anything               or               can't               do               anything               about               this.

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recovery of bad debt
recovery of bad debt

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recovery of bad debt

recovery of bad debt Image 2

recovery of bad debt
recovery of bad debt

recovery of bad debt Image 3

recovery of bad debt
recovery of bad debt

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recovery of bad debt
recovery of bad debt

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